Canada launches a new initiative to support newcomer women

Canada launches a new initiative to support newcomer women

The Canada Government has launched a new initiative that will make it easier for newcomer women to find a job in the country. Under the initiative, these women will be provided the support and services needed to succeed in the Canadian job market. It will also help them highlight their talents and experiences as they settle in the country.

The initiative especially targets visible minority newcomer women. The Government of Canada defines visible minority (French: minorité visible) as “persons, other than aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in color”. These women usually face multiple barriers when they attempt of find a job and settle in Canada including weak social and employment supports.

As part of implementing the new initiative, Canada government has selected 22 organizations from across the country. In the coming two years, these organizations will launch a number of projects that aim to:

  • Develop and test innovative approaches to enable more visible minority newcomer women to find a job and succeed at work;
  • Support smaller organizations to increase their capacity to serve visible minority newcomer women and enable them to overcome barriers to employment; and/or
  • Increase the digital literacy of visible minority newcomer women to access and advance within the Canadian labor market.

Over the next two years, the Canada government will provide up to $7.5 million for the selected organizations to launch new projects.

Commenting on the new initiative Ahmed Hussen, Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship said “Visible minority newcomer women face more challenges than any other group to enter the workforce. This isn’t just about getting women jobs; it’s also about providing a sense of dignity and belonging. Canada’s gender equality is for all women, not just for some.”

Canada is a country that gives high priority to social welfare and security. Canada’s new initiative to help newcomer women will definitely be a boon for all migrant women, especially single mothers and those who migrate to Canada as dependents. Get in touch with us to explore your options to make Canada your permanent home!

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