Government to fund 800+ initiatives to help newcomers settle in Canada!

Government to fund 800+ initiatives to help newcomers settle in Canada!

Canada government will fund more than 800 selected initiatives to help newcomers settle in Canada and integrate into the Canadian communities. According to a recently issued media release from the Government of Canada, a total of 824 projects for supporting newcomers settle in Canada and adapt to the new life will receive government funding.

Projects for all regions across Canada have been selected for funding and they are expected to support newcomers settle in Canada and help them participate in the social, cultural, civic and economic life of the country. The Canada government invited proposals for these projects in February 2019 and these 824 projects were selected from all the proposals received.

canada immigration

Canada’s Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen said that when Canada invested in helping newcomers learn the language, find employment, and build a successful life, all of Canada would enjoy the benefits. The initiatives selected for funding are mainly related to:

  • Language training, workplace-based language instruction
  • Employment, entrepreneurial services
  • Support for French-speaking newcomers
  • Integration of newcomers belonging to vulnerable populations including women, seniors and LGBTQ
  • Projects to protect the mental health and well-being of newcomers
  • Projects to enhance local integration and social inclusion in centre, rural and northern areas

Language training projects will help newcomers learn English/French, the official languages of Canada. The courses that will be offered will include online, or in person or in the workplace.

The selected projects related to employment aim to help newcomers in Canada acquire new skills and knowledge so that they can succeed in the Canadian labour market. Newcomers will also be directly connected to private sector organizations and partners, to help them find a good job faster.

Some other initiatives aim to help newcomers make connections with their local communities. Community connection services for French-speaking newcomers who have immigrated to a Francophone minority community come under this category.

The approved projects will start receiving funds on April 1, 2020 and it will continue till March 31, 2025.

All these efforts show Canada’s commitment towards improving its services for newcomers and helping them to settle in Canada. As part of these initiatives, Canada government announced last year that it would invest $1 billion CAD for helping migrants integrate into the Canadian society. Within the next three years, Canada will be admitting one million newcomers.

Canada is planning to welcome more immigrants in the next few years. Do you qualify for migration to Canada? Contact us to know!

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