According to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, only a total of 2720 people arrived in Australia in December 2020. But the number of people who arrived in Australia during the same period last year was 34770. Even the number of skilled visa applications came down by about 11 percent during 2019-20 compared to the previous year.
In light of the drastic decline in migration rates owing to the strict implementation of travel restrictions, Australia has now decided to review the skilled migration rules. The country aims to help Australian businesses have enough supply of foreign skilled labor force in the coming years for their faster recovery.
Australia’s immigration Minister Alex Hawke has requested the joint standing committee of the Parliament to review the Australia skilled migration visa rules of the country. This was followed by the comment made by Philip Lowe, Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, who opined that the country’s broader economic growth would be stunted by the slow population growth.
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The standing committee would submit an interim report on Australia’s skilled migration rules by mid-March. According to the chairman of the Committee Liberal MP Julian Leeser, the inquiry would first focus on whether immediate changes to the skilled immigration rules are required to help the economy recover after the border reopens. He is of the opinion that skilled migration would lead to the creation of more businesses in Australia, thus the revival of the economy.
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ACCI Demands More Foreign Skilled Immigration
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry(ACCI) has put forth its demand seeking changes in the migration program of the country. While the present government has fixed the cap on permanent skilled migration at 160,000 places a year, ACCI wants it to be raised to the previous 190000 places. It will serve a great deal in reviving the national economy post-pandemic.
“Migrants who are already in Australia on temporary employment visas should also be provided with a pathway for permanent residency”, argued Jenny Lambert, employment director of ACCI.
Our monthly review on important Australian Immigration updates shows that recovery in Australia is picking up the pace. Therefore, start the preparations today to make the most of opportunities that would arise in the post-pandemic period.
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