The latest Lowy Institute poll has found that Australians are now more positive on the rate of migration to Australian cities.
Fewer Australians now believe that the number of migrants settling in cities is too high, as compared to the poll results last year.
Positive outlook on the rate of immigration comes from younger Australians with just 20 percent of the younger population concerned about the number of immigrants coming to Australia each year.
The recently released survey titled Australian attitudes to international events by Lowy Institute found a seven per cent decline in the number of Australians who thought negatively about the immigration rates, compared to last year’s results.
The survey asked its respondents if the number of migrants coming to Australia is too high, or about right.
Source: Lowy Institute
The poll extensively covered over 2130 Australian adults between 12th and 25th of March 2019.
The report highlighted the positive attitude of nearly two-thirds of Australians who believe that immigrants strengthen Australia through their hard work and talents.
The report also says that the population is nearly divided on the question whether the immigrants are a burden on the welfare system.
However, 70 percent of the respondents sees Australian cities as over-crowded while less than 70 percent of the respondents agree that immigrants have overall positive impact on the economy.
There is a visible difference of opinion between the population aged between 18 years to 29 years and the rest. 53 percent of the population over the age of 30 years believes that the total number of migrants each year is too high. Very few people in Australia think that border protection policies make any difference to its international reputation.
In another exclusive SBS-commissioned Essential Media poll, 51 percent of the respondents thought positively on the immigrants and most respondents agreed to the fact that the immigrants create economic growth.
Are you interested in Australia migration? Contact us to explore your options to migrate to the land of opportunities.