Canada admitted a total of 341000 immigrants from various countries in 2019, which is a new record. The number of immigrants admitted by Canada exceeded the target which had been set for the year as per the Immigration Levels Plan for 2019-2021 by more than 10000. This is the fifth time in the whole immigration history of Canada that the country is welcoming more than 300000 immigrants in a single year. Around 58 percent of the total number of immigrants admitted in 2019 obtained Canada PR through the economic class immigration programs while 27 percent arrived in Canada through family sponsorship programs. Canada welcomed the rest of the immigrants through refugee programs.
India major source country for Canada immigration
In 2019, Indians constituted almost 25 percent of the total people migrated to Canada. With a total of 86000 Indians making Canada their permanent home, India continues to remain the main source country for Canada immigration. The Chinese came second and their percentage share was around 9 percent. The Philippines was the third major source country with 8 percent of the total number of Canada immigrants hailing from the country. The other major source countries were Nigeria, USA, Pakistan, Syria, Eritrea, South Korea and Iran.
Ontario the most popular immigration destination
In 2019, almost 45 percent of the newcomers chose to settle in Ontario. It is two percentage points higher compared to the previous year. Quebec slashing its immigration intake by 20 percent in 2019 is pointed out as a reason for the increased preference for Ontario. British Columbia is the second most preferred destination for immigrants and it welcomed 50,000 immigrants in 2019. Alberta came third, followed by Quebec. The other major provinces that witnessed a significant increase in immigration intake are Manitoba, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and the territory of Yukon.
Canadian cities attract more immigrants
One in every three newcomers who moved to Canada in 2019 preferred to settle in the Greater Toronto Area(GTA) of Ontario. GTA attracted more immigrants (118,000 in total) than all immigrants settled in the Atlantic provinces, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and the territories of Canada combined together. Vancouver was the second leading city, which welcomed 40,000 immigrants. In the third place was Montreal (35,000), followed by Calgary (around 20,000). Around 62 percent of the newcomers to Canada settled in the four largest cities of Canada–Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and Calgary.
Canada likely to break record again
As per the Immigration Levels Plan of Canada for 2019-2021, the immigration target for the year 2020 is 341000. As the country has already achieved this target, in all likelihood, Canada will exceed the target for the current year too and the intake may go up to 360000. There would be more clarity on the immigration intake levels once Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino tables the Immigration Levels Plan for 2020-2022, which is likely to happen soon.
Do you wish to migrate to Canada? Contact us for expert advice and professional support for moving to Canada permanently.