British Columbia, Alberta, Quebec, Manitoba, & PEI invite candidates in this week’s PNP results
Immigration is collective ownership when it comes to Federal and provincial governments. The Provincia Nominee Program allows provincial governments to pull in economic immigration candidates who are befitting to economically establish within the nominated province. Provincial governments pick candidates who have work experience in an occupation that is potentially required within the province. Most PNP streams pick out candidates who are in occupations such as healthcare, agriculture, and technology because of the labor shortages in these employment sectors.
The IRCC acquired a similar approach and has begun holding category-based selection draws for Express Entry applicants on a federal level. On 28th June 2023, IRCC invited the first 500 Express Entry candidates based on their healthcare occupations. Around 1500 will be invited on the 5th of July along with a draw for applicants in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) occupations during the same week.
Provincial Immigration Results June 23rd – 29th 2023:
1. Quebec
Quebec does not have a PNP. It has a specific agreement with the federal government that offers the province to pick all of its economic immigrants. Applicants in Quebec for permanent selection were invited to apply on the 22nd of June by the Ministry of Immigration, Francization, and Integration. Candidates are expected to score a minimum of 626.
2. British Columbia
British Columbia holds draws every week on Tuesdays. On the 27th of June, the province invited more than 180 BC PNP applicants by draws. The largest draw was a general draw that also include tech occupations. 130 candidates were invited from the Skilled Worker, International Graduate, Entry-Level, and Semi-Skilled streams. The Minimum Skills Immigration Registration System (SIRS) score ranged from 109 for international graduates to 106 for Skilled Workers and 87 for Entry-level and Semi-Skilled candidates.
3. Alberta
Alberta published results for 3 draws under the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP) that happened between June 20 and June 22. Albert sent NOIs to 125 candidates on the 22nd of June in the family connection and primary occupation in demand with a CRS score not less than 306. Candidates are selected based on work experience for occupations in demand and already have their family living in the province such as parents, siblings, or spouse.
4. Manitoba
Under a special measure for Ukrainians affected by the ongoing unrest, Manitoba invited 49 people who must meet specific eligibility criteria for the Skilled Worker Overseas pathway of the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP). The holders of Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) working in Manitoba for almost 6 months under any occupation may be eligible to apply under the Skilled Worker in Manitoba Pathway.
5. Prince Edward Island (PEI)
Prince Edward Island invited 90 candidates on 29th June to apply under its labor and Express Entry categories PEI tends to hold draws probably every two weeks by focusing on applicants either with a local job offer, graduates from a PEI institution, and candidates in the Express Entry pool as well.
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