Express Entry Latest Draws Invites 636 Provincial Nominees to Apply for Canada PR

Express Entry draw 225

Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) held Canada Express Entry draw 225 on June 22. The federal department issued 636 invitations to provincial nominees to apply for Canada PR in the Express Entry latest draws.


The draw size in the latest Express Entry draw 225 is the second largest since March. The lowest-ranked candidate had a score of 752 points and a tie-breaking rule was also applied in this Express Entry latest draws.

IRCC applies the tie-break rule to avoid disputes in the rankings under the express entry system. This is particularly helpful in cases where two or more candidates end up with the same CRS score.

Record-breaking Draw Size 636 invitations to apply for Canada PR.
Rank Required to be Invited to Apply 752nd or above
Higher Express Entry Cut-off Minimum CRS score required was 752.

Automatic addition of 600 points to their base human capital score, candidates effectively required only 152 points to qualify.

Tie-break rule applied PNP-linked Express Entry profiles submitted before April 19, 2022, at 13:45:45 UTC were considered.

The Express Entry latest draws target domestic temporary workers or skilled workers in the federal pool who already received provincial nominations.

Anybody with work experience in popular in-demand occupations like Health, Business, Finance, Sales, or Engineering/IT has a good chance of qualifying for Canda PR.

Another major development concerning Express Entry is in its final stages of discussion in the Canadian Parliament. It will allow IRCC to issue target occupation-specific nomination draws which was not the case earlier.

Is It the end of PNP-specific Express Entry Draws?

Immigration Minister Sean Fraser revealed in a recent conversation with CIC News that his department is “tentatively” looking to resume all-program draws on July 6.

This is possible with the overall improvement in Express Entry application backlogs at 31,603 compared to 40,889 profiles at the end of April.

IRCC had withheld all-program draws since the beginning of 2021. Canada fulfilled most of its Express Entry annual targets by issuing invitations to candidates with prior provincial nominations or Canadian experience.

Furthermore, since September 2021, IRCC is only issuing Canada PR invites to PNP profiles registered in the federal Express Entry pool.

Although all-program draws could resume in two weeks, it may not be the end of PNP draws forever. IRCC will continue to hold PNP-specific nomination draws to support the economic development of regional Canada.

Will Express Entry CRS Score Go Down?

As of June 6, 2022, the number of candidates in the Express Entry pool is most with CRS ranging between 351-400, followed by those profiles with CRS 451-500.

Candidates in the Express Entry pool with provincial nominations are eligible for a bonus of 600 Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points, effectively getting invited to apply for permanent residence in nominations draws as the latest Express Entry draws.

IRCC has a history of surprises with dropping the CRS score to mere 75 points and inviting up to 27,332 candidates to apply for Canada PR on 13th February 2021.

Canada is pursuing one of the most ambitious immigration levels in its history. The country is targeting to welcome 411,000 in 2022, and 421,000 in 2023. Over 60% of the said target will be achieved through economic-class programs like Express Entry & Provincial Nominee Programs. This is most likely to decrease CRS requirements to qualify.

IRCC is also set to resume all-program Express Entry draws from July 2022 which will invite eligible candidates for PR from the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) and the Canada Experience Class (CEC). This could lower the qualifying CRS requirement.

How to Apply for Canada PR via Express Entry?

Immigration aspirants choose Canada because of its direct permanent residence pathway. A PR invitation through the provincial nomination route is not a direct pathway, however, is very effective to secure your chances of applying for Canada PR.

Canada has decided to cut Express Entry admissions in half for 2022 mainly due to increasing backlogs in the FSWP & CEC applications in the pool. However, intake levels will increase up to 111,500 by 2024.

Any prospective candidate who seeks to obtain permanent residence in Canada must register on Canada Express Entry online portal.

All the registered profiles are then assessed and ranked based on a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS).

Such profiles are evaluated on a total of 1200 points. The human capital criteria like

  • age,
  • education,
  • work experience outside Canada,
  • language proficiency in English/French,
  • spouse adaptability,
  • Canadian study experience, etc. are considered for evaluation purposes.

Applying through a certified immigration consultant can boost your chances of qualifying for Canada PR.

CanApprove is a certified immigration consultant in Dubai and is registered with the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC). Choose from a wide of our customized immigration services including documentation & training support. You get a dedicated immigration consultant to work exclusively on your case until resolved!

Take this free assessment online to determine your eligibility for upcoming Express Entry draws and apply for Canada PR.

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Book your free appointment with CanApprove to learn more about your chances of qualifying in the Express Entry latest draws and immigrating to Canada.

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