The Economist released its Annual Democratic Index and it seems that Canada has been ranked as the 6th most democratically free country out of the 167 countries. Canada has also gained 10 out of 10 points for civil liberties in the updated Democracy Index.
The Democracy Index is nothing but an evaluation of the democracy in a particular state based on five factors which are civil liberties, government functioning, political culture, political participation, electoral process & pluralism. The Canadian government scored an overall 9.15 during the year 2017 and it was the same this year too. It should be noted that the scores of the United States of America fell from 7.98 to 7.96.
Canada was called a country with full democracy meaning a country where the basic political freedoms & liberties are given respect and have a political culture that supports the flourishing of democracy. It also means that there exists a functioning government, an independent media and an independent judiciary.
The reason for Canada to score consistently well during the past years was the efficient functioning of the government and the stable political history Canada has had over the years and the equality that is being enjoyed by all Canadians under the law. Canada is also one of the four countries that have gained full marks for the civil liberties category and the survey says there is also room for improvement which Canada should be considering.
Though Canada is an incredibly huge country, the efficient functioning of the government and the stable political system has put things in place making it a better place for its residents & immigrants! To know more about Canadian immigration and to check your eligibility to migrate to Canada for free, get in touch with our experts now!