A new survey which focused on businesses from New Brunswick & Moncton stated that finding skilled labor for work was the biggest challenge they face. Businesses look forward to increase the number of international workers and assume that this could be the key to resolve the issue.
Chamber of Commerce of Greater Moncton, Voice of the Greater Moncton Business Community in its recent survey stated that businesses are focusing to address the labour shortage by bringing in more skilled workers from foreign countries.
The survey was taken with an approximate 175 businesses and a 38 per cent of them faced hardships when it comes to finding employees with the right skills and a 48 per cent of them found it difficult to retain & recruit skilled employees.
Some important reasons for the labour shortage in the province are due to the ageing population, New Brunswick residents immigrating to other Canadian provinces, a very low-birth rate & more., The province’s government stated that attracting more immigrants & population growth was the top priority for the year 2019.
A Job Fair That’s About to be Held
Though the shortage of skilled workforce is quite high, more than 50 per cent of businesses in Moncton expects that their labour force would increase over the next few months and this is due to their positive views on the local economy. Moncton City is about to host a job fair on the 25th of January and the sole purpose of this job fair is to welcome newcomers who have previous years of work experience in the fields of Finance, Customer Service, Information Technology, Back Office Support & more.,
This will help employers find potential candidates for work up to an extent. A recent report stated that if New Brunswick is about to overcome the labour shortage crisis, it will need around 7,500 newcomers every year which will also keep the province’s economy growing.
If you are planning to migrate to New Brunswick, there could be no better time than this! Get in touch with our team of immigration experts and get your eligibility checked to migrate to Canada for free!