Is Canada Immigration Possible Without a Job Offer?

It is no wonder that you are one among the million individuals who wish to immigrate to Canada (because the country has abundant benefits that could help lead a better standard of living) and it could be for either professional or personal reasons. But, if you are reading this blog, it without a doubt means that you are in definite need to migrate to Canada and you are not sure whether you can migrate without a job offer or not! Well, let’s get down to answering your question but before that, let’s have a glimpse about the process (Express Entry Program) that would make your Canadian Immigration dream come true!

Canada migration

How Does Canadian Immigration Work?

Though there are several Canadian Immigration programs in existence, the Express Entry method is viewed as the most successful Canadian Immigration Program till date. Express Entry is a Canadian Immigration Online Application System that manages the applications of the potential candidates. The immigration streams under the Express Entry Category are:

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program
  • Canadian Experience Class

It is under one of the above – mentioned streams that you will be immigrating to Canada and you will be given points with respect to the below-mentioned categories:

  • Core / human capital factors
  • Spouse or Common-law Partner Factors
  • Skilled Transferability Factors
  • Additional Points

You will be given relevant CRS scores (Comprehensive Ranking System Scores) and it is the comprehensive ranking system scores that decides whether you will be able to migrate to Canada or not.

What is the CRS Score and How Does it Work?

The Comprehensive Raking System Score acts as the base factor that would allow you to immigrate to Canada. Technically speaking, it is the CRS scores based on which you will be receiving an Invitation to Apply for a Canadian Permanent Residence. Every single factor of yours will be given a relevant CRS score and the total score will be out of 1200. The maximum CRS scores that are given for every category is mentioned below:

Core Capital Human Factors

You get a maximum of 500 points under this category. Factors based on which the points are split are:

  • Age – 110
  • Level of Education – 150
  • Official Languages Proficiency – 160
  • Canadian Work Experience – 80

Skill Transferability Factors

Under the Skill Transferability Factors, you get a maximum of 100 points.

  • Education (either with strong official language proficiency & a P.G degree or with Canadian work experience and a P.G. Degree) – 50
  • Foreign Work Experience (with strong official language proficiency & foreign work experience or with Canadian work experience & foreign work experience) – 50

Additional Points

This category gives you a huge 600 CRS scores making sure that you receive an Invitation to Apply from the IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada).

  • A sibling who is a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident – 15
  • French Language Proficiency – 30
  • Post-secondary Education in Canada – 30
  • Arranged Employment – 200
  • Provincial Nomination – 600

Once you receive your final CRS Scores, you will have to wait for the Express Entry Draws that takes place once in two weeks (might differ at times). If your CRS scores are above or the same as the particular draw’s minimum CRS score, you will receive an Invitation to Apply.

So, Do You Need a Job Offer to Immigrate to Canada?

An individual can immigrate to Canada provided he/she has sufficient CRS scores that meet the Express Entry Draw Scores. This is irrespective of under what/which category the applicant has been able to gain points which means that “It is not mandatory to have a job offer in order to immigrate to Canada! Procuring sufficient CRS scores is what is more important to make it through!”. Though having a job offer can help you gain an additional 200 CRS scores, it does not always mean that you should be looking into and rely on this factor.

It has become quite clear that you can immigrate to Canada and become a permanent resident even though you do not have a job offer. If you are willing to migrate to Canada on knowing this, you should speak to our team of experts who have been have been providing quality Canada Immigration Services for the past two decades. Get in touch with us to know more about the Canadian Immigration requirements and check your eligibility to migrate to Canada for free!

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