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40,000 Plus Immigrants Moved to Canada this January Under Various Immigration Streams

The first month of 2019, January seems to be a very promising month for the Canadian government.  With more than 40,000 plus immigrants entering Canada within January, there exists a notion that the set immigration goals for the next three years will be met without any troubles being faced.

The set target for the year 2019 is to be welcoming 331,000 new permanent residents and the economic immigration programs and the family sponsorship programs are considered to play a pivotal role in the three year’s immigration plans.

The figures are expected to increase up to 350,000 by the year 2021 which is nearly one per cent of the Canadian Population. Experts say & suggest that maintaining a one per cent immigration rate will ensure the economic and labour growth of Canada in the years to come.

It is expected that most of these targets will be met through Express Entry Programs and the provincial nominee programs. The Express Entry System is responsible for managing the country’s three most economic immigration programs namely the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Federal Skilled Trades Program and the Canadian Experience Class Program.

The Express Entry Program had the biggest start ever since its introduction. With three Express Entry Draws held, the Canadian Government issued 11,500 invitations to candidates from the Express Entry Pool making it a major contribution for January.

Another important immigration program that plays a huge role in meeting the Canadian Government’s immigration targets is the Family Sponsorship Programs. The Canadian Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Program which was opened on January 28th had a target of accepting 27,000 expressions of interest which it was able to meet in a couple of minutes after opening.

The Provincial Nominee Programs are also playing a major role in meeting the Canadian Immigration targets for the year. Provinces like Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island Ontario together combined, issued approximate of 5000 invitations to candidates.

The Canadian Government is taking steady measures to make sure that the set Immigration goals are being met for the upcoming years. With the immigration targets increasing and the provinces steadily welcoming immigrants, this could be an ideal time for you to apply for Canadian Immigration.

To know more about how to migrate to Canada and to check your eligibility to migrate to Canada for free, get in touch with our experts now!

Immigration Has Positive Effect on Canada – Says Nearly Half British Columbian Residents

Thousands of individuals and more enter into Canada every year as immigrants under different streams. The topic “Immigration” has been a much debated and conversed topic among the Canadian residents, some embracing the factor while others try to create fear and misinformation regarding immigration.

Research.Co on conducting a survey among the Canadian residents stated that a large proportion of Canadians have a positive impact on the immigration factor while few other people have a negative impact on the same. Enquiring with people aged between 18 – 34, 55% people showed positive signs while 27% were negative and in Quebec 52% were positive and 30% were negative. Provinces like Ontario & Alberta still wants to see a reduction in the number of legal immigrants coming to the country.

A huge 55% of Canadians accept the fact that the talent and hard work of the immigrants play a major role in the development of the Canadian Economy. This is being said by people aged above 55 who have a clear understating about the immigration factor and its benefits. 50% of Canadians say that immigration can be allowed & welcomed provided the individuals adopt the Canadian policies.

Of all the happenings and surveys in other provinces, British Columbia seemed to be way more positive than other Canadian provinces. Nearly a decade ago, when the global financial crisis was at the peak, British Columbia was one of the provinces which welcomed immigrants to a very great extent. While 34% of people in Alberta do not believe in the thinking that the Canadian economy is benefitted from the immigrants, a surprising 46% of the people in British Columbia think the other way. The year 2019 has been a good start for British Columbia as the province has been issuing invitations to candidates under its various immigration streams. The province is looking forward to taking in more immigrants this year to meet the labour market shortage and has well understood the positive impact that immigrants create on its economy.

If you are looking forward to migrate to Canada, get in touch with us for a free eligibility assessment to migrate to Canada!

British Columbia Invites Workers & Graduates in Its Latest Provincial Nominee Program Draw

British Columbia in its latest Provincial Nominee Program draw held on the 30th of January invited workers & graduates to the province. The province issued a total of 365 invitations to candidates belonging to Skills Immigration and Express Entry BC Streams.

Individuals who wish to immigrate to British Columbia through its Provincial Nominee Program should be first creating a profile under Canada’s Federal Express Entry System. The Express Entry Program is responsible for taking immigrants under Canada’s three most economic immigration programs which are the Federal Skilled Trades Class, Federal Skilled Worker Class and the Canadian Experience Class respectively.

Candidates who have applied for a provincial nomination and receive an ITA will gain 600 additional CRS scores which guarantee their chances to obtain a Canadian Permanent Resident Visa. The applications of the candidates will be assessed & processed by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

It should also be noted that 19 additional invitations were issued to candidates with scores of 109 and plus under the Entrepreneur Immigration Stream. This particular stream is for individuals who are able to show a personal net worth of at least CAD $600,000 and they meet the specified requirements of the particular stream.

All invited Skills Immigration and Express Entry Candidates should be having a full-time job offer with a British Columbian employer. Individuals who have been invited will have to register under British Columbia’s Online Registration System. Candidates will be given points under the SIRS System (Skills Immigration Registration System)

Below listed are the minimum scores for every single category that were involved in this particular draw:

  • Express Entry British Columbia Skilled Worker – 85
  • Express Entry British Columba International Graduate – 95
  • Skills Immigration Skilled Worker – 85
  • Skills Immigration International Graduate – 95
  • Skills Immigration Entry Level and Semi-Skilled – 68
  • Entrepreneur Immigration – 109

To know more about the British Columbian Draw and to check your eligibility to migrate to Canada for free, get in touch with our experts now!

The Most In-Demand Canadian Jobs for the Year 2019

Canada’s economy, one of the best in the world has been showing excellent and steady growth for a considerable period of time. One of the many things that the Canadian Government is good at is maintaining a low unemployment rate which means that the country has several job opportunities. Every single year hundreds & thousands of immigrants enter into Canada as the country is looking for skilled workers to fill its job vacancies.

Reports taken on employment sector state that the country has never seen such a low unemployment rate and the opportunities are only increasing and will not be decreasing any time soon. Below mentioned are some of the most in-demand jobs in Canada this year.

Job Opportunities in the Tech Industry

The Canadian Tech Industry has been the fastest growing sector in Canada during the year 2018 and cities in Canada like Toronto, Vancouver is becoming a booming tech destination. It should be noted that Toronto is the fastest growing tech center in the North American Region. The most searched and top Tech jobs during the year 2019 are being mentioned below:

  • System Administrator
  • Project Manager
  • Data Analyst
  • Quality Assurance Analyst
  • Block Chain Developers
  • Automation Engineers

Jobs in the Engineering Industry

An engineer with ideal skills and knowledge could find plenty of opportunities in Canada. Below mentioned are some of the most in-demand engineering job fields:

  • Project Engineer
  • Manufacturing Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Civil Engineering Technician & more.,

Job Opportunities in the Manufacturing Sector

Skilled workers play an important role in the growth of the Canadian economy. Since the Canadian government is not able to fulfil the requirements with the local labour market & people, it is looking for skilled immigrants from abroad. Below mentioned is a list of skilled worker jobs the Canadian government is looking for:

  • Electrician
  • CNC Machinist
  • Production Supervisor
  • Welder
  • General Labourer & more.,

The Canadian workforce is getting older as days pass by and the Canadian government is taking every necessary measure to increase the immigration levels and to maintain the workforce. The Canadian provinces are also looking forward to fill their job vacancies by introducing & designing their own immigration programs. With higher immigration targets to be met and increasing labour market needs, Canadian Migration would be an ideal option.

To know more about how to migrate to Canada and to check your eligibility to migrate to Canada for free, get in touch with our experts now!

Canada’s Parents & Grandparents Sponsorship Program and the Super Visa Option

The Canadian Government on the 28th of January opened its Parents and Grandparents Sponsorship Program and closed it within a few minutes stating that it has received enough applications. Canada also stated that it witnessed more than 100,000 individuals trying to access the Interest to Sponsor Form but only 27,000 were fortunate enough to access it.

The Parents and Grandparents Program once drew much traction & criticism among the eligible sponsors. Individuals stated that the process was unfair due to its random lottery method as they had to wait much longer than the others. The Canadian Government after taking this into consideration introduced the first-come first-serve method of issuing invitations.

It should be noted that individuals who have not been able to obtain an Interest to Sponsor form on the 28th of January Draw still have an opportunity to bring their parents into Canada via the Canadian Super Visa on a temporary basis.

The Canadian Super Visa is nothing but a multiple-entry visa which will be allowing eligible sponsors to bring their parents & grandparents to visit Canada for up to two years at a time. The Canadian Super Visa is often considered as an Ideal Temporary Resident Visa for Parents and Grandparents which allows them to travel within Canada without any restrictions.

The Super Visa applications will be processed within a few weeks (as said by the IRCC) and is a popular visa option because of its year-round availability and a lower income requirement. An applicant to apply for a Canadian Super Visa must provide a letter as proof which includes a promise of financial support from the child or grandchild living in Canada, their Canadian permanent resident or citizenship’s document copy. The applying individual should also have a medical insurance which is valid for at least a minimum of one year, providing coverage of at least CAD 100,000.

IRCC has also stated that individuals visiting Canada under the Super Visa should return to their own country during the end of visa duration. To know more about the Canadian Super Visa and to check your eligibility to migrate to Canada, get in touch with our team of experts for free!

110th Express Entry Draw Creates Historical Records Since Its Introduction

The Canadian Government held the third Express Entry Draw of the year 2019 and created records along with it. IRCC has issued 11,500 Invitations to Apply this January which is by far the highest since the introduction of the Express Entry System.

The Canadian Government held the 110th Express Entry Draw on the 30th of January and issued 3,350 Invitations to Apply to the Express Entry Candidates. It should be noted that the minimum Comprehensive Ranking System Score during this particular draw was 438 which is a significant reduction when compared to the previous Express Entry Draw (the CRS Score during the previous Express Entry Draw is 443). This is also the lowest CRS Score since the 4th of October 2017.

The Express Entry System introduced in 2015 is responsible for managing Canada’s three most important economic immigration programs which are the Federal Skilled Worker Class, the Canadian Experience Class and the Federal Skilled Trades Class respectively. Individuals who create an Express Entry Profile will be assessed on several factors like age, education, work experience and given CRS points accordingly. Candidates who have the highest CRS scores will be issued an Invitation to Apply in the Express Entry Draws.

The tie-breaker rule applied for the draw held on the 30th of January was that of April 26, 2018, at 05:00:46 UTC. This actually means that candidates who have secured a CRS Score of 438 and above and who have entered the Express Entry Pool before the specified date & time will have received an invitation to apply in this round.

The 3,350 Invitations issued makes it up to a total of 11,150 Invitations issued this January making it the largest start ever since the introduction of the Express Entry System. This effectively brings out how serious the Canadian Government is about meeting its immigration goals for the years 2019 & 2020. In an effort to meet the set immigration goals, it is expected that the IRCC will be issuing more Invitations to Apply this year than the previous year.

To know more about Canadian Immigration and to check your eligibility to migrate to Canada for free, get in touch with our experts now!

Ontario Invites an Approximate of 1,000 Skilled & French Speaking Candidates in January

Ontario during the month of January invited an approximate of 1000 Express Entry Candidates under Skilled Workers & French Speaking Candidates to apply for a provincial nomination. Exact statistics states that Ontario issued 988 Invitations to candidates during the month of January.

Ontario in its draw held on the 24th of January issued 889 Notifications of Interest under its Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program. The Stream was the Skilled Trades Stream which is linked to the Federal Express Entry Stream respectively.

With the help of the Skilled Trades Stream, the Ontario Nominee Program searches for potential candidates within the Express Entry pool. The candidates should be living currently in Ontario and should be having a minimum of at least one year of skilled work experience (this can be also an equivalent amount of part-time work experience) in a job that is listed under Canada’s National Occupational Classification.

Individuals who have received an NOI from Ontario were required to have Express Entry profiles which were created between the 24th of January 2018 & 2019. Invited candidates on receiving a provincial nomination will gain 600 additional CRS points which effectively guarantees their chances to obtain a Canadian Permanent Residence. Creating an Express Entry Profile is the first step for an individual if he/she wants to be identified under the Skilled Trades and French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream.

Invitations Via the French-Speaking Skilled Worker Stream:

Ontario has held three separate French-Speaking Skilled Worker Streams during January and issued 28 Notifications of Interest during its latest draw on the 24th of January. The additional rounds held on the 17th & 11th of January issued 71 Notifications of Interest.

It should also be noted that all the invited candidates should have met eligibilities for either the Canadian Experience Class or for the Federal Skilled Worker Class. As of now, Ontario has issued almost 2500 Notifications of Interest through the combined draws his year. All invited candidates will be having 45 days to submit a complete application for a provincial nomination.

To know more about Ontario’s Immigrant Nominee Program and to check your eligibility to migrate to Canada for free, get in touch with our team of experts now!

Parents and Grandparent Program Opens to Accept Expressions of Interest

The Canadian Government as tweeted during the early January reopened its Parent and Grandparents Program on the 28th of January to accept Expressions of Interest. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada said that it is aiming to accept around 27,000 Interest to Sponsor Forms this particular year.

Canada’s Parents and Grandparents Program allows Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents to sponsor their parents and grandparents to migrate to Canada. The IRCC opened the PGP Program on the 28th of January and closed it within a few minutes stating that sufficient applications for the PGP program have been received.

IRCC also tweeted that individuals who have been successfully able to submit an Interest to Sponsor form should be receiving an email within the next 24 hours which confirms the receipt. It should be noted that submitting an Interest to Sponsor Form is just the starting phase for getting involved in the Parents and Grandparents Program.

IRCC will be issuing invitations to apply to individuals who have submitted an Interest to Sponsor Form in the order they have received till IRCC reaches its target of taking in 20,000 applications and it may also open the Interest to Sponsor form if it needs more sponsors this year.

On receiving an Invitation to Apply, an individual would be having 60 days to complete the application and apply with proper documentation. The processing time for a completed and submitted PGP application would be between 20 to 24 months.

IRCC has also stated that applicants who have received a confirmation but not an invitation by the end of this year will be holding your information and considering it for the next year.

Key Things to Note: –

One of the key factors that is required to be considered eligible for the process is to show proof that he/she has a minimum income. This is just to ensure that the individual is able to take care of the sponsored person during their stay in Canada.

A potential sponsor should provide details of his/her family in order to confirm that they meet the Minimum Necessary Requirement. Details include the size of the family and those they would be financially responsible for & more.,

To know more about Canada’s Parents and Grandparents program, get in touch with our team of experts and clear your immigration queries for free!

Nova Scotia Invites Accountants & Auditors from the Express Entry Pool

The Nova Scotian Government on the 24th of January issued new invitations to apply to Express Entry candidates. The invitations were sent to Accountants & Financial Auditors and they had CRS Scores falling in between 400 to 450.

Nova Scotia through its Labour Market Priorities Stream (which allows the province to search for potential candidates within the Express Entry Pool with specific occupational skills) invited Accountants & Financial Auditors in its first draw of the year 2019. The invited candidates were supposed to have a minimum of at least five years of work experience in the specified fields of work.

The ones selected in the draw held on the 24th of January were candidates who have submitted their Express Entry Profiles before or on the 1st of July, 2018 and the CRS Scores ranging in between 400 and 450. Scores of the applicants are calculated based on certain factors like age, education, work experience, educational qualification & more.,

An individual in order to immigrate to Nova Scotia under the Labour Market Priorities Stream should have first created an Express Entry Profile. Nova Scotia will then be looking into the Express Entry Pool for potential candidates with specific occupational skills. It should be noted that Nova Scotia this time issues invitations to candidates with a minimum score of 400 whereas the most recent Express Entry Draw’s minimum CRS Score was 443.

Below listed are the requirements that a candidate was required to have during the latest Labour Market Priorities Draw:

  • The applicant should have a bachelor’s degree or should have completed a three-year duration program.
  • Should have cleared Language Proficiency Exams and obtained a Canadian Language Benchmark score of 7 or higher.
  • Letters of reference from employers stating that he/she has a minimum of 5 years of work experience in the required code.

Examples of jobs in NOC (National Occupational Classification) Code are being mentioned below:

  • Accountant
  • Accountants Supervisor
  • Auditors Supervisor
  • Chief Accountant
  • Cost Accountant
  • Income Tax Consultant
  • Industrial Auditor
  • Internal Auditor
  • Public Accountant
  • Senior Cost Accountant
  • Tax Consultant
  • Tax Specialist & more.,

To know more details about the Nova Scotian Draw and to check your eligibility to migrate to Canada for free, get in touch with our team of experts now!

Canada Continues to Create Record as Its 109th Express Entry Draw is Out

IRCC is witnessing a big start this year. With only two Express Entry Draws conducted, one on the 10th of January and the other on the 23rd of January, IRCC has already issued a massive 7800 Invitations to Apply. The 109th Express Entry Draw held yesterday issued 3900 Invitations to Apply, making it a never seen record for all these years.

The Canadian Express Entry System was introduced during the year 2015 and is responsible for taking immigrants and meeting the country’s immigration goals under the three most economic immigration programs which are the Federal Skilled Worker Class, the Federal Skilled Trades Class and the Canadian Experience Class respectively.

Candidates who create a profile to immigrate under the Express Entry Category will be assessed and given points based on factors like Educational Qualification, Work Experience, Language Proficiency & more and candidates with the highest scores will be issued an Invitation to Apply during the Express Entry Draws.

A Drop in the CRS Scores this Draw:

The second Express Entry Draw of the year 2019 witnessed a drop in the CRS scores when compared to its previous draw. The CRS Score of the 109th Express Entry Draw was 443 which by far is the lowest score of the year. The tie-break rule applied for this particular draw was January 2, 2019, at 03:55:26 UTC which means that candidates who have a CRS score of above 443, and candidates who created an Express Entry Profile before the mentioned date & time will have received an Invitation to Apply in this draw.

Individuals who seem to have low CRS Scores can improve by seeking a for provincial nomination from one of the Canadian provinces. Obtaining a provincial nomination is considered as one of the best ways to receive an ITA as this could give the individual additional 600 CRS points which effectively guarantees their chances of getting a Canadian PR.

It seems that the Canadian Government is not going to slow down this year. With huge immigration goals to be met, it would not be surprising if the IRCC starts to issue more number of Invitations during the upcoming Express Entry Draws.

If you are interested and looking forward to migrate to Canada, get in touch with our team of experts and check your eligibility to migrate to Canada for free!