Tag: Canada Immigration

Deciding Where to Settle in Canada: Provincial vs Federal Immigration

Deciding to move to Canada is a big step, and where you settle can greatly impact your life there. Choosing where to build your new life in Canada is indeed an exciting step!
Canada’s vast provinces and territories offer diverse landscapes, cultures, and economic opportunities. But before you pack your bags, it’s crucial to understand the two main pathways to permanent residency: Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) and Federal Immigration Programs.

This blog will guide you through the key differences between these immigration streams, helping you decide which best suits your “settling in Canada” aspirations.

🍁What is a Provincial Nominee Program?

Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) are immigration programs run by individual Canadian provinces and territories, except for Quebec and Nunavut. These programs allow provinces to nominate individuals who meet their specific economic needs and labour shortages for permanent residence in Canada.

Each province has its own PNP customized to its economic and demographic needs. These programs allow provinces to address labour market shortages and select candidates who will contribute positively to their local economies.

One of the key advantages of PNPs is their flexibility and responsiveness to regional needs. They often target specific occupations or industries that are in demand within a particular province. Additionally, PNPs may offer smooth processes and lower eligibility criteria compared to federal programs, making them accessible to a wider range of applicants.

🍁What is a Federal Immigration Program?

On the other hand, federal immigration programs like Express Entry and the Canadian Experience Class are managed by the federal government. These programs are more general and not tied to any specific province or territory. If you’re selected through one of these programs, you’ll have the flexibility to settle anywhere in Canada.

The Express Entry system encompasses several streams, including the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Federal Skilled Trades Program, and the Canadian Experience Class.

Federal programs are renowned for their efficiency and transparency. The Express Entry system uses a points-based system to assess candidates based on factors such as age, education, work experience, and language proficiency. Successful candidates are entered into a pool, from which they may receive invitations to apply for permanent residence based on their Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score.

🍁Applicants Selected by a Province or Territory

These programs are designed by individual provinces and territories to address their specific labour market needs.


💠Faster Processing: PNPs often display faster processing times compared to federal programs.

💠Targeted Occupations: If your occupation is in-demand in a particular province, a PNP can significantly increase your chances of success.


💠Provincial Nomination: You’ll need to be nominated by a specific province before applying for permanent residency.

💠Intent to Reside: You’ll need to demonstrate a genuine intention to live and work in the nominating province. This can involve factors like securing employment, enrolling children in school, or participating in community activities. Failing to demonstrate this intent can be considered misrepresentation, a serious offence.

🍁Applicants Selected by the Federal Government

These programs offer a more generalized pathway to permanent residency, with selection based on a points system that considers factors like education, work experience, language skills, and adaptability.


💠Openness: You’re free to settle anywhere in Canada upon obtaining permanent residency.

💠Express Entry: Federal programs often make use of  the Express Entry system, known for its transparency and efficient processing.


💠Competition: Federal programs typically experience higher competition compared to PNPs.

💠No Provincial Nomination Boost: You won’t receive the additional points awarded through a provincial nomination.

🍁Key Considerations to Keep in Mind


When deciding between provincial and federal immigration routes, there are several factors to consider:

💠Job Opportunities: If you have a specific occupation or industry in mind, researching provincial labour market demands can help you identify provinces with plenty of job opportunities in your field.

💠Language Proficiency: Language requirements vary between provinces and federal programs. Depending on your proficiency in English and French, certain provinces may be more suitable for you.

💠Educational Background: Your education and qualifications may align better with the eligibility criteria of either provincial or federal programs. Evaluate which pathway offers a more straightforward route based on your educational background.

💠Settlement Support: Consider the availability of settlement services and support networks in your intended province. Some provinces offer additional support to newcomers to help them integrate into their communities.

💠Long-Term Goals: Think about your long-term aspirations in Canada. Are you seeking permanent residency for yourself and your family? Understanding the pathways to citizenship and permanent residence can influence your decision.

Whether you choose to settle through a provincial or federal immigration program, Canada offers a welcoming environment for newcomers from all over the world. 

🍁Mobility Rights as a Canadian Permanent Resident

No matter your chosen path, obtaining permanent resident status is the ultimate goal. As a permanent resident, you can live, work, and study anywhere in Canada. This mobility right applies to both applicants selected by a province and those selected by the federal government. So whether you settle in bustling Toronto or peaceful Prince Edward Island, you’ll have the freedom to move around and make your home wherever you like.

🍁Wrapping Up

Both provincial and federal immigration routes offer pathways to achieving your dream of settling in Canada. The choice between the two depends on your individual circumstances, including your occupation, language proficiency, and long-term goals. Whether you opt for a provincial nominee program tailored to a specific province’s needs or pursue federal programs through the Express Entry system, Canada welcomes skilled immigrants who contribute to its vibrant and diverse society. Take the time to research and explore your options to start on your Canadian journey with confidence.

If you are feeling stuck or confused, don’t forget to take the help of an experienced immigration consultant like CanApprove consultancy. Get a FREE assessment from CanApprove’s Canada immigration experts NOW!

Let’s take “Settling in Canada” as the motto of this year.

Canada’s New Visa Program for Digital Nomads: Your Gateway to Remote Work Freedom

In recent years, the rise of digital nomadism has transformed the way people work and travel. With advancements in technology enabling individuals to work from anywhere in the world, countries are adapting to this new workforce trend. The Maple Leaf  Nation, known for its beautiful landscapes, exciting cities, and healthy economic conditions, has launched a visionary program: the Canada Digital Nomad Visa. 

Canada welcomes digital nomads with open arms, allowing them to work remotely for up to 6 months at a time. This blog will explore the details of working remotely in Canada and how to make the most of your 6-month adventure. 

Canada’s Digital Nomad Visa

Canada’s digital nomad visa grants you permission to live and work remotely in the country for up to six months. This is facilitated through the existing visitor visa program, eliminating the need for a separate work permit for short-term stays. This is a fantastic opportunity to experience the best of Canada while continuing your work for your overseas employer.

Why apply for a Canada Digital Nomad Visa?

With the Canada Digital Nomad Visa, remote workers gain access to a multitude of benefits. From the breathtaking natural beauty of Canada’s landscapes to its diverse cultural experiences, digital nomads have the opportunity to sink themselves into a new way of life while pursuing their careers. Moreover, Canada offers a high standard of living, excellent healthcare, and a safe environment, making it an ideal destination for remote work.


Who can apply?

The program is open to anyone who meets the following criteria:

  • Employed by a company outside of Canada
  • Your work can be entirely performed remotely
  • You have sufficient funds to support yourself and any dependents during your stay
  • You pass standard Canadian immigration checks, including health, security, and criminal background checks

Benefits of Canada’s Digital Nomad Visa

The Canada Digital Nomad Visa offers numerous benefits to applicants. These include the opportunity to live and work in one of the world’s most desirable destinations, access to Canada’s excellent healthcare system, and the ability to experience the country’s rich cultural heritage. Additionally, digital nomads can take advantage of Canada’s vibrant startup ecosystem and network with like-minded professionals.

Documents Required to Apply

Applying for the Canada Digital Nomad Visa requires certain documents to support the application. These may include proof of employment, evidence of sufficient funds to support oneself in Canada, a valid passport, and health insurance coverage. Additionally, applicants may need to provide a detailed itinerary of their stay in Canada .

Steps to Apply for a Digital Nomad Visa

The process of applying for the Canada Digital Nomad Visa typically involves several steps. These may include gathering required documents, completing the visa application form and submitting the application to the appropriate Canadian immigration authorities. It’s essential to follow the application instructions carefully and ensure all required documentation is provided to avoid delays in processing.

Processing Time for Canada Digital Nomad Visa

The processing time for the Canada Digital Nomad Visa can vary depending on various factors, including the volume of applications and the complexity of individual cases. Typically, applicants can expect to receive a decision within a few weeks to a few months after submitting their application. It’s advisable to plan ahead and submit the application well in advance of the intended travel date to allow for sufficient processing time.

Warp Up

In conclusion, the Canada Digital Nomad Visa presents an exciting opportunity for remote workers to experience the beauty and culture of Canada while pursuing their professional goals. With its stunning landscapes, vibrant cities, and welcoming communities, Canada offers digital nomads the perfect blend of work and leisure. By taking advantage of this innovative visa program, individuals can start  on a journey of exploration, adventure, and personal growth in one of the world’s most desirable destinations.

So, grab your laptop and a steaming cup of coffee, and dive into the exciting world of working remotely from Canada!

 Apply for the Canada Digital Nomad Visa today and unlock a world of possibilities! With Canapprove by your side, navigating the application process becomes effortless. Whether you’re a freelancer, remote worker, or entrepreneur, this visa opens doors to explore Canada while continuing your work remotely. Let Canapprove guide you through the steps and make your dream of living and working in Canada a reality!

Discover Why a Nursing Career in Canada is the Ultimate Choice for You

Thinking about a nursing career in Canada but not sure where to begin?

Look no further! You are in the right place!

With its world-class healthcare system, diverse patient population, and numerous opportunities for professional growth, Canada has become a top destination for nurses from around the globe. The nursing shortage in Canada has been a pressing issue, with hospitals struggling to find and retain qualified nurses. As a result of this shortage, the demand for nursing professionals has increased, creating a favorable job market for aspiring professionals.

In this blog, we’ll explore the top reasons why a nursing career in Canada should be your ultimate career choice.

Let’s dive in for more details.

Why do we recommend starting your nursing career in Canada?

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, projections have highlighted a substantial shortage of nurses in Canada. Factors such as an ageing population, rising healthcare needs, and a growing number of retirements among current nurses fuel this shortage. The shortage is estimated to reach 60,000 nationwide by 2022 and over 117,000 by 2030. The Canadian government has increased investments in healthcare in recent years. This has led to more healthcare facilities and services being provided across the country.  This high demand for nurses in Canada creates plenty of job opportunities now! 

Now, let’s explore the key advantages a nursing career in Canada offers.

The Benefits Of Nursing Career In Canada

Benefits of Nursing Career in Canada

1️⃣ High-Demand Profession with Job Security: As we discussed earlier, Canada is experiencing a shortage of nurses, creating a high demand for skilled professionals. This shortage translates into job security and abundant career opportunities for aspiring nurses.

2️⃣Lucrative Salaries and Comprehensive Benefits: Nurses in Canada are well-compensated, with competitive nursing salaries and a comprehensive benefits package that includes healthcare coverage and retirement plans. This makes nursing not just a fulfilling vocation but also a financially rewarding one.

3️⃣World-Class Healthcare System: Canada boasts a universal healthcare system that ensures all residents have access to quality healthcare. As a nurse in Canada, you’ll be part of a system that prioritizes patient well-being and offers comprehensive care to everyone, regardless of their background or financial status.

4️⃣Professional Growth: Canada offers greater opportunities for nursing career advancement, allowing nurses to pursue further education and specialize in various fields. With access to continuing education programs and support for career advancement, you can take your nursing career to new heights in Canada.

5️⃣Diverse and Inclusive Work Environment: Canada’s multiculturalism is reflected in its healthcare system, providing nurses with the opportunity to work with patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. This diversity enriches the nursing profession and allows nurses to gain valuable experience in cultural competence.

6️⃣Work-Life Balance: In Canada, there is a strong emphasis on work-life balance, ensuring that nurses have time to rest and recharge outside of work. This balance is crucial for maintaining job satisfaction and overall well-being, making a nursing career in Canada truly fulfilling.

7️⃣Safe and Beautiful Environment: Canada is known for its picturesque landscapes and safe communities, offering nurses a peaceful and secure place to live and work.

Next, let’s talk about the requirements you will need to become a nurse in Canada.

Nursing Requirements in Canada

To become a nurse in Canada, you need to know the Canadian nursing regulations:

  • Complete a nursing program at a recognized educational institution, such as a diploma, associate, or bachelor’s degree in nursing.
  • Apply for registration with the regulatory body in the province or territory where you plan to work, such as the College of Nurses.
  • Register with the National Nursing Assessment Service (NNAS) to get an Advisory Report 
  • Pass the licensing exam, the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) in most provinces, after your application is approved.
  • Obtain a license to practice as a registered nurse upon passing the exam.
  • Apply for jobs in hospitals, clinics, or long-term care facilities. Gain work experience in Canada to improve your chances of employment.
  • Follow the requirements set by the regulatory body in the province or territory where you wish to work.

With dedication, perseverance, and the right qualifications, your nursing career in Canada can flourish, enabling you to positively impact patients’ lives and contribute to society’s betterment.

Wrapping Up

Still reading, right?! So we hope that you find this blog helpful.
So you are very enthusiastic to know more about the nursing profession’s advantages in Canada. Now what are you waiting for?!  We are also very enthusiastic to help you. CanApprove is your gateway to a fulfilling nursing career in Canada. Contact us today to start your journey towards a brighter future! 

Book your free appointment with an expert consultant at CanApprove to kick-start your immigration journey to Canada!

We have been providing immigration services for more than 25 years since 1998, and we provide personalized consultation, document preparation, application assistance, and ongoing support throughout the process.

Navigating the Canadian Tax System

Canadian Tax Laws

The importance of taxes in Canada is something crucial in the economic performance of a country. There are various financial aspects that will be influenced by the taxes that a country collects.

Canadian tax laws will make impact in the overall federal operations in a country. From revenue generation till debt reduction, the impact that the Canadian Tax Law makes is pretty huge. Let us discuss in detail.

Revenue Generation: Taxes are a primary source of revenue for governments. They fund essential public services such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and defence.

Public Services and Infrastructure: Taxes enable the government to provide public goods and services that contribute to the overall well-being of the population. This includes roads, schools, hospitals, and other vital infrastructure.

Redistribution of Wealth: Progressive tax systems can help reduce income inequality by taxing higher-income individuals at higher rates and using the revenue for social welfare programs that benefit lower-income citizens.

Economic Stability: Governments use fiscal policy, including taxation, to manage the economy. Adjusting tax rates can influence consumer spending, investment, and overall economic activity.

Social Programs: Tax revenue is often allocated to fund social programs such as welfare, unemployment benefits, and public assistance, providing a safety net for those in need.

Regulation and Control: Tax policies can be used to regulate certain behaviours, such as discouraging harmful activities like smoking or encouraging environmentally friendly practices.

National Security: Taxes in Canada contribute to funding defence and security measures, ensuring the safety and protection of a country and its citizens.

Debt Reduction: Taxes in Canada can be used to pay off national debt, reducing the financial burden on future generations.

Types of Taxes in Canada

PNP Finder

Canada is a country bound by laws and there is a stringent taxation system followed in the country. There are various taxes formulated by the Canadian Tax Laws in the Canadian jurisdiction and they are as follows.

Income Tax in Canada

Individuals and businesses are required to pay income tax in Canada on their earnings.

Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

There are consumption taxes such as the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) that apply to certain goods and services.

Corporate Tax

Federal Corporate Tax Rate: The federal corporate tax rate is applied to taxable income earned by corporations operating in Canada. The rate may vary based on the type of income and the size of the corporation.

Provincial/Territorial Corporate Tax Rates: In addition to the federal rate, provinces and territories have their own corporate tax rates, which can vary. The combined federal and provincial/territorial rates determine the total corporate tax rate.

38% of your taxable income is the basic Part I tax rate; 28% of that amount is after federal tax abatement. The net tax rate is 15% following the general tax cut. The net tax rate is 9% for private corporations under Canadian ownership that claim the small business deduction.

Personal Income Tax in Canada

In Canada, Personal Income Tax is collected from individuals from the income that they generate.

  1. Individuals are taxed on their worldwide income.
  2. Tax rates are progressive, meaning higher income levels are taxed at higher rates.
  3. Various deductions, credits, and exemptions are available to taxpayers.

The below table depicts Canadian Federal Income tax rates enforced for the year 2024.

Federal income tax rates for 2024Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

GST is a federal tax, while HST is a combined federal and provincial tax in some provinces.

Some goods and services are exempt from GST/HST, and others may qualify for rebates.

Corporate Tax

Corporations are subject to federal and provincial/territorial corporate income taxes.

The tax rates vary, and there are also incentives for certain activities and industries.

Tax Filing

The tax year for individuals is the calendar year (January 1 to December 31).

The deadline for filing income tax returns is usually April 30th, but it may be extended if it falls on a weekend or holiday.

Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) and Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

These are popular tax-advantaged savings and investment accounts in Canada.

Provincial/Territorial Differences

Provinces and territories have the authority to levy their own taxes, leading to variations in tax rates and rules.

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

The CRA is responsible for administering tax laws, processing tax returns, and providing information and services to taxpayers.

Tax Credits and Deductions

Various tax credits and deductions are available to individuals and businesses, such as the Child Tax Benefit, Medical Expense Tax Credit, and others.

Laws of Taxes in Canada– A few more to know about…

Small Business Deduction

Canada provides a Small Business Deduction (SBD) to eligible small businesses, which allows them to pay a lower corporate tax rate on a portion of their income. The criteria for eligibility may vary by province or territory.

Capital Cost Allowance (CCA)

The CCA is a tax incentive that allows businesses to deduct the cost of depreciable assets over time. It helps companies recover the cost of capital investments in equipment, machinery, and other assets.

Tax Credits

Various tax credits are available to corporations in Canada, including research and development tax credits, investment tax credits, and other incentives to encourage specific activities or investments.

Taxable Capital

Some corporations in Canada may be subject to a tax on their taxable capital. This is a separate tax based on the capital employed by a corporation.

Transfer Pricing Rules

Canada has transfer pricing rules to ensure that transactions between related entities are conducted at arm’s length, preventing the manipulation of prices to reduce taxable income.

Tax Filing and Compliance

Corporations are required to file an annual corporate income tax return. The filing deadline is generally six months after the end of the corporation’s fiscal year.

Are you planning for Canada immigration? Express Entry Canada is a great choice. It’s a Canadian federal pathway for migrating to the country. Connect with CanApprove to get assistance for Canada immigration. We have been providing industry best Canada immigration services for more than 25 years now. Right from profile evaluation till visa stamping, we will have it all covered. We are a click away! Get in touch!

Thanks for reading! 😊

Migrating to Canada as an Entrepreneur: Startup Visa Program

Migrating to Canada might be an everlasting aspiration for someone like you! There are many pathways for migrating to Canada. One of such ways is the Start-up Visa Program. Others include:

  1. Express Entry
  2. PNP
  3. Work Permit
  4. Open-Work Permit
  5. Family Sponsorship

and many other programs!

While these are some common immigration pathways, there are other ways too for migrating to Canada, if you are a business aspirant. Entrepreneurs and wannabe entrepreneurs (like you) have start-up visa program which will help you establish your business in Canada and also obtain a Canada PR.

Hop on! Let’s see what this start-up visa program is all about!!

Start-Up visa Program

Do you have a well-established business or a business idea? You can migrate to Canada and get permanent residency. You heard it right!

Start-Up visa program enables you to establish your business in Canada and also gets you a permanent residency.

Starting a business in Canada is made easier for entrepreneurs with the new Start-Up Visa Program. This is in line with the nation’s strategy to welcome capable business owners who boost the Canadian economy by giving citizens job opportunities. Canada, for its part, banks the businesses of immigrants.

To start this, you need to

  1. Create an innovative idea (or) pick up an idea that is creative!
  2. Prove that the idea proposed can create jobs for Canadians!
  3. Also prove that the idea can compete on a global scale…

Start-up Visa ProgramHow to Apply for a Canadian PR through Start-Up visa Program?

Firstly, you need to come up with a business proposal which will prove that promising employment opportunities will be given to the Canadian communities. With that business plan, there are certain eligibility criteria set by the Canadian government, that should be met by the applicant.

Those criteria include,

  1. Investment
  2. Evidence of Commitment
  3. Language Requirement
  4. Support and Syndication
  5. Peer Review
  6. Security and Medical Clearances

Breaking them down!

Investment for Start-up visa Program

In order to establish a business in Canada, having sufficient funds and capitalization is an important requirement. You can rely on the investment funds to bank your business in Canada.

There are 3 types of investments in Canada to fund your business they are,

  1. Canadian Venture Capital Fund
  2. Angel Investor Group
  3. Business Incubator

To get funding from VC and angel investor group, the following amount must be secured as a minimum validated fund.

Source Investment
Canadian Venture Capital Fund CAD 200,000
Angel Investor Group CAD 75,000

On the other hand, if business incubator program accepts your proposal, you must spend 0 CAD as your investment. You read it right.

Evidence of Commitment

To demonstrate that the application has received funding from a venture capital fund, angel investor group, or business incubator, the investor organization must submit a completed Commitment Certificate to the IRCC. This document contains a detailed description of the agreement between the applicant and the investment organization. Its objective is to summarize the key details of the investment organization’s and applicant’s agreement.

The applicant will also receive a letter of support from the investment organization, which they must submit with their application for permanent residence. If the same business venture involves two or more applicants, the investment organization may condition its commitment on one or more “essential persons” obtaining permanent residence. An essential person is someone who the investment organization has formally designated as being vital to the company. If the application of a crucial person is rejected for any reason, the applications of all other applicants listed in the Commitment Certificate will also be rejected.

Language Requirement

The ability to communicate in French or English is the primary requirement for living in Canada. In Canada, starting a business requires the owner to be able to work and communicate in either French, English, or both. Taking a language test administered by an authorized testing organization and achieving the CLB 5 minimum Canadian language benchmark in either English or French for all modules, including Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing.

Support and Syndication2

Applicants may be eligible for syndication, or sponsorship that multiple organizations approves. This process requires identification of each participant. All the designated organizations will provide one Commitment Certificate to the IRCC, and the applicant(s) will receive one Letter of Support.

A designated venture capital firm invests a minimum of $200,000 in a business, regardless of whether a certified angel group has already made investments in the same enterprise.

If the company receives support from at least one authorized angel group but if the venture capital groups do not approve, then a  company should have a minimum of $75,000 overall.

Peer Review

To protect this program from fraud, a peer review process has been added. Its objective is to guarantee the validity of the contracts made between foreign business owners and investment firms. An immigration officer may ask for an independent evaluation of a commitment by a peer review panel. An industry group forms these panels that reflects the type of investing organization making the commitment. In the case of an angel investor organization, for example, the National Angel Capital Organization would be in charge of establishing the peer review panel.

If the entity offering the guarantee was a venture capital fund, on the other hand, the jurisdiction would lie with Canada’s Venture Capital and Private Equity Association. If the immigration officer thinks peer reviews would be useful in their conclusion, they may be started at random or requested. The immigration officer is not considered to be legally bound by the decision made by the peer review panel. It will only vouch for the accomplishment of the required examinations and research in compliance with industry standards. It won’t provide an opinion on the wisdom or viability of the proposed plan.

Security and Medical Clearances

You and your family members must undergo a medical examination and obtain a security clearance in order to determine whether you:

  1. Pose a threat to national security.
  2. Have a serious illness that would put a burden on Canada’s healthcare system.

Wrapping up!

Are you planning to set up your business in Canada? Then this is the perfect time for you. Use the Canadian start up visa to establish your business in Canada. CanApprove will help you in every step throughout the process.

Thanks for reading!

British Columbia Immigration: Your Gateway to Canadian Life

British Columbia has been “the final destination” for most people from every part of the world. For all the aspirants who are looking to hold a future abroad, British Columbia could be an ideal place for you! There are many reasons why you should move to British Columbia. We have a list of reasons why and what the best ways are for British Columbia Immigration. This could be your gateway to the Canadian life!

Reasons to Move to British Columbia

1. An Active Labor Market

British Columbia’s abundance of employment opportunities attracts immigrants frequently. The thriving job market in BC is a melting pot for immigrants from all around the world to have a fulfilling professional life right from the tech hub of Vancouver to the resource-rich interior regions. Numerous immigration routes are available through the BC PNP for skilled migrants.

2. Diverse Cultural Backgrounds

People from various walks of life live in harmony in BC and British Columbia welcomes this diversity as it encourages and embraces  multiculturalism.  Since there are numerous ethnic communities in this English-speaking province, Canada and its people make immigrants from all over the world comfortable and secure.

3. Excellent Job Opportunities

Graduates from Canadian universities have a wide range of employment options and highly-paid job opportunities. The Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) allows foreign students to work in Canada  for up to three years after completing their studies.

4. A Beautiful Location 

This province’s natural beauty has a significant influence on British Columbia’s culture. Residents of British Columbia are renowned for their active lifestyles and love of the great outdoors; swimming, kayaking, skiing, and biking are just a few of the popular outdoor activities there.

5. Quality of Life

British Columbia consistently ranks as one of the best places to live in Canada because of its high quality of life. The province has top-notch healthcare and education systems that offer residents the fundamental services they require. Adding to that, Vancouver has received recognition as one of the best cities in the world to live in, demonstrating the province’s dedication to upholding a high standard of living for its citizens.

British Columbia immigration

3 Best Ways to Migrate To British Columbia

Glimpse into the details of the three best ways to migrate to British Columbia. 

1.Express Entry BC

Express Entry BC is one of the popular ways to migrate to British Columbia. The province will submit qualified candidates for Canada PR through regular Express Entry draws in line with the federal Express Entry immigration program.

But to qualify for this program, you must have a job offer from an authorized British Columbian employer. And keep in mind the following when submitting your Express Entry BC application:

  1. Have excellent management skills for the responsibilities that the company has assigned to you.
  2. Specify minimum income requirements based on the size of your family. 
  3. Obtain a basic level of language proficiency. 

 2.British Columbia PNP 

The immigration department of the provincial government of British Columbia regulates the BC PNP, a program for economic immigration. This program helps the province pick and nominate foreign workers, international students, and entrepreneurs to migrate to BC and helps the provincial government meet its labor market needs, contribute to the government’s priorities, and take part in the growth of BC’s economy.

The BC PNP is operated by the provincial government in association with the federal immigration department, IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada)

There is a 2-stage process in British Columbia immigration

  1. Apply for nomination to the provincial government
  2. In the wake of your nomination, apply for permanent residence with the federal government.  

 3.Study in British Columbia

Another easy way to migrate to British Columbia is to pursue education there. And If you are an international student who has graduated, you can apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), which enables you to remain and work in Canada for up to three years. This could be an easy pathway to obtain Canadian PR as well! 

A number of top-notch educational institutions are located in Vancouver, one of Canada’s largest cities. Studying at a BC institution might make it easier for you to immigrate permanently if you are interested in continuing your education. 


Some of the other best facts about British Columbia are that the communities in British Columbia are diverse in terms of language, culture, and ethnicity, and about 27% of our people are immigrants. The official languages of Canada are English and French, with English serving as the primary language in British Columbia. People embrace cultural backgrounds by celebrating almost every festival.

All these are some of the factors that make people choose British Columbia as their dream destination. If you are one of them, this could be your chance to start your journey! Wondering how? CanApprove makes it possible for you! 

CanApprove, with its resolute experts, makes sure you get the right guidance during your application process. Right from filling out your application until you settle at your destination, we will be at your service. If you’re looking for assistance or want to know more about BC PNP, connect with us. We’d love to hear from you!


      1.How long does it take to get PR in British Columbia?

The duration of the permanent residence application process will vary and range from 9 to 18 months. 

      2.Can I immigrate to British Columbia without a job offer?

If you want to apply for BC PNP, you will likely need a job offer from a BC employer. The only stream that doesn’t require a job offer is the International Post-Graduate stream.

      3.Is British Columbia good for immigration?

British Columbia has been chosen for the abundance of employment options it provides. The thriving job market in BC attracts immigrants from the tech hub of Vancouver to the resource-rich interior regions. The BC PNP also offers a variety of immigration routes.

Exploring about the Canada Visit Visa from UAE

Canada has an advanced economy with plenty of commercial, skilled worker, and tourism prospects, located a few degrees above its latitudes. It consists of a strong, separate system in place for accepting both immigrants and non-immigrants. Let’s investigate further on everything that you need to know about the Canada visit visa from UAE.

Do Travelers from UAE need a Canada Visit Visa?

Travelers must apply for a Canada visit visa even if they have a US visa in hand and vice versa. A six-month visit visa is required for entry into Canada. Nonetheless, citizens of the United Arab Emirates can typically apply for an electronic travel authorization (eTA).

The only people who are exempt from needing an eTA or visit visa in order to enter Canada are lawful permanent residents of the United States who possess a valid passport from their place of nationality and a valid green card (or its equivalent). 

When entering Canada by air, foreign nationals without a valid visa must have an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA). It is connected electronically to a traveler’s passport and has valid for up to five years or until the passport expires. 

Available Canada Visit Visas for UAE Residents

The Canadian government allows citizens of the United Arab Emirates to come for a short visit for a variety of purposes, such as trade exhibitions, conferences, business trips, vacations, or tourism.

1. One-time visit visa for Canada.

2. UAE nationals can enter Canada once only using a single-entry visit visa option.

3. Applicants are automatically categorized as either choosing to be granted a single entrance visa under special circumstances or selecting multiple entry visas.

4. Multiple entry visa for visits to Canada.

5. Multiple entry visitor visas are valid for up to 10 years and allow the holder to visit Canada for a maximum of six months at a time.

6. The most common form of multiple-entry Canada visit visa is the Canada super visa. It boosts family reunification as parents and grandparents.

The Canadian Immigration System


Canada is eager to bring in over 1.45 million new immigrants over the course of the following three years, finishing in 2025. Economic-class immigration schemes such as Provincial Nominee schemes, Express Entry, and the Quebec program are expected to meet more than 60% of the target. Programs for family reunion will be used to achieve a significant amount of the aim.

Based on their talents and job history, Canada appears to be encouraging more foreigners to become permanent residents. According to the immigration census conducted in 2021, 23% of Canadians are or have been landed immigrants or permanent residents, and by 2041, that percentage is expected to rise to 34%.

Documents required for a Canada visa from UAE

Canada Visit Visa

Valid Passport: You need to ensure that your passport is up to date and does not expire within six months of the date you intend to depart. Additionally, at least one blank page in your passport is required for the visa.

1. Photographs: Two passport-sized images that are no older than six months must be submitted.

2. Application: The relevant Canada visa application form must be completed and submitted. You can apply for a visa in person or online at a visa application facility.

3. Proof of funds: You must show that you have the resources necessary to sustain yourself while visiting Canada. Bank statements, job contracts, and asset verification are a few examples of this.

4. Travel Itinerary: It is required that you submit a comprehensive itinerary that includes your intended dates of arrival and departure, the specifics of your accommodations, and any activities you have scheduled.

5. Purpose of Travel: You are required to submit a statement outlining your travel goals, together with information about the activities you want to undertake and the duration of your visit.

6. Health and character certificates: You may be required to provide a medical certificate or a police clearance certificate as part of your application.

How to Apply for a Canad a Visit visa from UAE?

1. First, Seek an immigration expert

The first step to apply for a visit visa to Canada from UAE is to seek a certified immigration expert’s guidance like CanApprove. Our immigration experts will help you throughout the visa application process and makes sure your flight to Canada is smooth and hassle-free.

2. Get the documents ready

You must ensure you have all the necessary documentation to support your eligibility for a visiting visa to Canada before submitting an application. The documentation you must attach to your application will vary based on your purpose for visiting Canada.

3. Submit the application online

To apply online for visitor visa you must first create an account with the IRCC. Along with the application, you must upload all the necessary documents and pay the fees.

4. Submit fingerprints and photo

While applying for a Canada visitor visa, you will have to give your biometrics details such as your fingerprints and photo at your local visa application centre.

5. Application process

The Canadian immigration officials will review your application once you submit it to make sure you have included all the necessary paperwork. The application will be returned unprocessed if it is incomplete.

The candidate may occasionally need to appear for an interview with immigration officers. Additionally, they can be requested to provide further details or to produce documents proving their police and health clearances.

The application will be processed in a few weeks at most. The applicant will be required to provide their passport if it is accepted. The passport will be returned with the visa stamped on it along with other original documents.

6. Send the passport

Once the visa is approved, the candidate will have to send the passport to Canada immigration authorities, who will stamp the visitor visa on it.

7. Travel to Canada

Once you obtain your visitor visa, you may travel to Canada. Remember to bring along all the documents you had submitted with the visa application and additional documents, if necessary.


The visa application process might sound a little bit challenging, but don’t worry! We got you! Our immigration consultants at CanApprove are here to guide you throughout the entire process. CanApprove, with its team of dedicated experts, can make things easy and possible for you. 

We ensure to assist you right from filling out your application till you become permanent residents in Canada. If you’re interested in getting your visit visa, Talk to our experts at CanApprove, We’d love to hear from you! 


1. How long is Canada visitor visa valid?

A Canada visitor visa is valid for six months from admission into Canada. Multiple entry visitor visas permit the holder to travel to Canada for six months at a time as many times as they want

2. Can a visitor stay permanently in Canada?

With a visitor’s visa, you can enter Canada and obtain a temporary legal status. But that status is only yours while your visa is in effect. It is illegal for you to remain in Canada while your visitor visa is void.

3. Can I change visitor visa to work permit?

In the UK, it is not feasible to apply to change from a visitor visa to a work or student visa. If, however, you intend to remain in the UK permanently, you might have further alternatives available to you based on the suitability of specific exceptional circumstances.

The Current Status Of Canada Immigration Plan To Target 1.5 Million Immigrants By 2025

Canada will target about 1.45 million new immigrants in a phased manner over the next three years ending in 2025. Out of it, nearly 800,000 new permanent residents are expected to come from economic-class immigration programs like Express Entry, Provincial Nominee Programs, or the Quebec program. Another major proportion of the target will be met using family reunification programs

Successive Canada immigration plan over the years facilitated a direct Permanent Residency pathway, ambitious intake targets, and embraced multiculturalism. As a result, immigration popularity surveys have ranked Canada as No.1 among the top immigration destinations ahead of Australia at No 4 and the US at No. 6.

The latest Canada immigration plan would see Canada welcome about eight times the number of permanent residents each year – per population – than the UK, and four times more than its southern neighbor, the United States. 

As the current immigration plan will welcome 465,000 new permanent residents in 2023, now is the right time to analyze your prospects of Canadian immigration against the current trends in the economy. 

Can Canada Meet its Targets?

Exceeding the Canada immigration plan of 431,645 intakes in 2022, the government granted over 437,000 foreigners permanent residency as it prioritized economic-class immigration along with family reunification programs. 

This year Canada is expecting to welcome 465,000 new immigrants and it is augmented with favorable employment trends across Canada. 

December 2022: Employment Across Canada Rises By Over 100,000 

Statistics Canada in its December 2022 Labour Force Survey recorded encouraging trends that could facilitate more opportunities for skilled immigration to Canada. 

  • Growth in the average hourly wages of employees – which has remained above 5% for seven consecutive months and is up 5.1% year-over-year (YOY). 
  • Canada’s employment boom of over 100,000 vacant positions is led by private-sector employment in Construction, Transportation, Warehousing, Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, 
  • Employment increased across six different provinces: Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland, and Labrador, and Saskatchewan

Check it out >> Top In-Demand Jobs in Canada for Immigration in 2023

Explore your chances of obtaining Canada permanent residency by taking this free assessment online.

Why is Canada Targeting More Foreign-Skilled Immigrants? 

Three main factors contributing to rising of foreign immigration in Canada include the labor skill gap, aging demography, and low birth rate.  

Canada’s labor force growth is almost 100% dependent on the skilled immigration of foreigners. Canada has currently posted nearly one million job vacancies and a shortage of skilled labor across economic sectors. 

Additionally, nine million Canadians are expected to reach the retirement age of 65 by 2030, shifting the worker-to-retiree ratio from 7:1 (50 years ago) to 2:1 by 2035. 

Further, Canada is experiencing one of the lowest global birth rates at 1.4 children per woman and is looking to boost its population through the settlement of foreign skilled workers who can contribute positively to the economy and society. 

Therefore, Canada is heavily investing in increasing the population by incentivizing the settlement of foreign skilled workers permanently across Canada. In fact, the 2021 Census on immigration confirmed 23% of Canada’s population is, or has been, a landed immigrant or permanent resident of the country and it is projected to reach 34% by 2041. 

Plan your Immigration with CanApprove

If you’re planning to immigrate to Canada, book a free appointment with our immigration consultants to discuss the best chances based on your academic and work experience. 

CanApprove is a certified consultant by the College of Immigration, and Citizenship Canada (CICC). We have impacted the lives of thousands of immigrants now settled abroad in our illustrious journey of 25+ years and still counting. 

From Nominations To PR Foreign Skilled Workers in Canada Edition

After discussing the start-to-finish journey of international students and Canadian skilled immigration through provincial nominee programs in previous editions, we are excited to cover the journey of foreign skilled workers in Canada. 

Foreign skilled workers may directly qualify for Canadian permanent residency based on their education, work experience, knowledge of English and/or French, and other factors. They may apply even without a prior job offer from a Canadian employer. 

Here, the focus of the discussion is the prospects and eligibility of foreign skilled workers to secure Canadian skilled immigration and eventually obtain Canadian permanent residency.  

Mapping the Journey of Foreign Skilled Workers in Canada 

1. The prospects of Canadian immigration remain stable amidst a likely global recession.

2. Experts have time and again assured that candidates with high skill levels have good immigration prospects in Canada.

3. Below we discuss the various phases involved in the  journey of Canada immigration for foreign skilled workers.  


1. Begin your online research on the opportunities for immigration as a skilled worker and learn more about Canada. 

2. Identify your skilled work experience in performing the duties set out in the lead statement of the occupational description in the National Occupation Classification (NOC) 2021. 

3. Skilled work experience in Canada means that you’ve worked in one of the occupations listed as eligible under the new Training, Education, Experience, and Responsibilities (TEER) systems: TEER 0, TEER 1, TEER 2, TEER 3. 

4. TEER is equivalent to erstwhile NOC 2016 Skill Level O (Management Jobs), Skill Level A (Professional Jobs that usually require a University Degree), and Skill Level B (Technical Jobs and skilled trade jobs that usually require a College Diploma) 

5. Visit offline job fairs or book a free consultancy to explore your best chances of skilled immigration to Canada.


1. First, qualify for the Federal Skilled Worker Program or Federal Skilled Trades Program. 

2. Next, Create an online Express Entry profile and enter the Express Entry pool. The validity of the profile is 12 months.  

3. Now you may expect an Invitation to Apply for permanent residence in the upcoming federal Express Entry draws. 


1. While you’re waiting for nominations, keep your language proficiency tests (English or French) score up-to-date. Scores are valid for two years. 

2. Arrange a proof of funds unless you have a valid job offer from an employer in Canada. 

3. Get your Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) done for immigration purposes. It is necessary to show that the education you obtained from your home country is equal to Canadian standards. 

4. Follow the latest immigration updates from genuine online resources. 

Read more>> CanApprove latest news

Express Entry Reforms for Foreign Skilled Workers

Foreign skilled workers must meet the minimum requirements for all the below-mentioned eligibility criteria to get nominated under the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP):

1. age

2. education

3. work experience

4. whether you have a valid job offer

5. English and/or French language skills

6. adaptability (how well you’re likely to settle here)

Together, the following factors form a 100-point grid used to assess eligibility for the FSWP. The minimum qualifying score required to qualify is 67 points.

Further, the Canada Express Entry system that manages the database of FSWP for permanent residency nominations uses a different Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) for the assessment and evaluation of your profile. 

Eligible Occupations for Canadian Skilled Immigration 

Presently, work experience in any of the 359 listed occupations are eligible for direct PR nominations under the Federal Skilled Worker Program of Express Entry. 

You may go to the official NOC website, choose version NOC 2021 Version 1.0, and access the list of 359 occupations under TEER 0, TEER 1, TEER 2, and TEER 3. 

How will CanApprove Help in Immigration? 

Even though a prior self-research is essential, seeking professional guidance is recommended in planning your immigration with clarity and confidence. Visiting a certified Canada Immigration consultant will help make an informed choice on what works best for your situation, budget, and timeframe.

CanApprove is a consultant certified by the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC) with 25+ years of experience in this field. We are a leading immigration consultant in Dubai and is certified by the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC). Get genuine counselling and documentation support according to the immigration plan. You may consult us even if: 

1. you’ve been rejected previously 

2. you have a potential medical inadmissibility concern 

3. you’re applying through a complex immigration program  

4. you wish to ignore tedious documentation 

5. you may have a unique case in hand. 

View client testimonials here on our YouTube Channel or visit this page

Kick-start your Canadian skilled immigration journey by booking your free appointment with us! 

4 FAQs On Canadian Immigration: Tenth Edition Of Explaining Canada Through Q&A 

Explaining Canadian immigration through Q&A will help you find answers to common concerns on why and how to plan for immigration. 


You can go through our previous edition of FAQs on Canadian Immigration: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8 & Part 9 to make an informed choice. 


Let’s begin our tenth edition of FAQs on Canadian immigration with the four most relevant and trending topics. 


Q1. How will the risk of a likely global economic recession impact the chances of Canadian immigration in 2023? 

The Canadian government warns that the country may experience a mild recession in the first quarter of 2023. Kristalina Georgieva, the chief of the IMF made grim predictions about the global economy in 2023. There are also some unverified reports about immigrants returning from Canada due to the economic slowdown. 


However, credible sources from the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) see resilience in certain economic sectors that have traditionally welcomed more immigrants into the country. 


RBC predicts the travel and hospitality sectors could be more resilient than in past downturns. It also notes resilience in the broader services sector compared to goods-producing industries like manufacturing. 


Service jobs like teachers and healthcare workers typically are less affected in recessions. The situation remains the same for professional, scientific, and technical services jobs – which were the largest source of employment growth from pre-pandemic levels (+17%) in Canada. 


Immigrants with high skill levels will continue to have secure jobs in Canada and those with lower skill levels may be laid off or find it hard to qualify for Canada at present. Contact our immigration experts to get a better prospect on Canadian immigration based on your academic and work experience.  


Q2. What is the future of Express Entry draws in Canada?  

The federal Express Entry draws lost its appeal to Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP) in the last two-three years following the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though PNPs will target more immigrants in 2023, Canada Express Entry will continue to play a prominent role in the country’s immigration system and economy. 


The royal assent to the new bill C-19 has revived the status of Canada Express Entry draws. Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will now target eligible profiles in the Express Entry pool based on economic goals (occupation, education, or language proficiency) in the upcoming Canada Express Entry rounds.


The new change introduced after the enactment of the C-19 bill will allow anyone who is not able to meet Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) criteria but is skillful in a particular in-demand job may qualify under Express Entry to receive both federal and provincial invitations in 2023. 


Additionally, 359 occupations are now eligible under the Canada Federal Skilled Worker program. Check your eligibility by getting in touch with our expert immigration counselors. 


Q3. What is the road ahead for international students planning their studies in Canada? 

Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) reportedly processed about 670,000 study permits in 2022. The total admission rate of international students in Canada is increasing year-on-year with the latest hike of 56% in study permit applications over 2020 student visa annual intakes. 


Another world report enlists 15 Canadian universities among the Best Global Universities. Further, three Canadian Universities (the University of Toronto, the University of British Columbia, & McGill University) are ranked within the Top 100 World’s Best Universities.


Canada still offers the most reliable immigration and settlement options after graduation (Post-Graduation Work Permit, provincial streams, or Canada Experience Class), apart from world-class study programs, global scholarships, and much more. We know this for the fact that 3 out of every 10 international students transition to permanent residency within just 10 years of first receiving their study permit. 


Additionally, international students who are in Canada and have off-campus work authorization on their study permit can work more than 20 hours per week off-campus while the class is in session until the end of 2023. 


Contact our overseas education counselors today to explore top study courses, universities for international students, scholarships, and more! 


Q4. Which occupation in Canada will be in demand in 2023? 

Going by the recent trends observed by various workforce reports and federal and provincial nomination draws, a large number of skilled immigrants with experience in the education and healthcare industries will be in great demand in Canada in 2023.  


For instance, Canadian provincial invitations in recent times from provinces like British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, or northwest territories and invitations under the federal system have focused on skilled-based draws inviting eligible aspirants with work experience as teachers, nurses, or IT professionals.  


It is already established that a quarter of registered nurses and 36% of physicians in Canada are not Canadian-born, suggesting a bigger role played by immigration in supporting key sectors of Canada.  


Presently, there is a demand for both nurses and doctors in the healthcare sector. There is a huge demand for skilled workers in several sectors, including dental, pharmacy, elementary and secondary schools (teacher assistants), the construction sector, heavy transportation, the food industry, etc.


Take this free assessment online to determine your eligibility for Canadian immigration. 


Plan your Canada Immigration with CanApprove

Canada is witnessing a huge demand for augmenting the local workforce with foreign talent. It is being supplemented by government support and liberal immigration policies targeting upto 500000 new immigrants annually.  


The future for economic-class immigration is bright as 60% of the annual immigration targets are expected to come from federal Express Entry programs and Provincial Nominee Programs. And this is why we have come up with FAQs on Canadian immigration for you to comprehend your chances of qualifying sooner! 


You can book your free appointment with CanApprove, a CICC-certified consultant in Dubai. We will help you determine your eligibility for Canadian immigration based on your work experience or academic profile.